Evidence-based Advocacy
The core purpose of the Western Sydney Health Alliance is to support a healthy Western Parklands City.
Evidence-based Advocacy is understanding the context were challenges and opportunities occur and using first-hand, true, verifiable information and data to trigger change.
In all our advocacy the Alliance will use verifiable information and data gathered by surveys, focus group discussions, interviews, and participatory research methods, which include members of a community to share their perspectives, develop evidence-based strategies and actions.
Our Aim is to:
- Improve Health and Wellbeing through research.
- Bring together all stakeholders in a solution-focused approach.
- Increase choices and opportunities for Western Parkland City Communities
- Appropriate access to information and services.
- Be responsive and oriented towards outcomes for our communities.
- Challenge stereotypes and stigma.
We will influence by advocating for and championing outcomes that support a healthy environment in the wider Western Parkland City and support the attraction of investment into the region which advances health and wellbeing outcomes.
We know this will be successful by :
- Giving life and meaning to information and data and relating evidence to the issue enacting excitement and action from others.
- Bringing together evidence identifying key patterns and issues on the ground to inform and influence key decision-making.
- Describing, interpreting and evaluating evidence that informs recommendations, policy development, planning, continued investment and resource allocation.
- Telling stories to make data simple, memorable and triggers change.